Selected open roles for talent
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New Canadian Mother
New Canadian; From the Philippines/South East Asia/Pacific Islander. She left everything behind to start a new life in a new country. She works hard, barely has downtime, and is having trouble relating to her teenage son. SOC role portraying a range of emotions. RATE: $650/day (2 Days) VIDEO ONLY - All rights SHOOT DATE(s) FOR ROLE: Monday October 25th & 26th (potential additional pick up day of October 27th)
2SLGBTQ+ Youth - Female Identified
2SLGBTQ+ youth struggling with identity, acceptance and the pressures of fitting in. She feels disengaged and alone. Part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Female and/or female identifying person. SOC role portraying a range of emotions. RATE: $650/day (1 Day) VIDEO & PHOTOGRAPHY - All rights SHOOT DATE FOR ROLE: Monday October 25th (potential additional pick up day of October 27th TBD)
Mother of Developmentally Challenged Child
New Canadian; Distraught single mother unable to find resources to help her cope with a developmentally challenged child. She feels tired and lost. BIPOC preferred for this role. SOC role portraying a range of emotions. RATE: $650/day (2 Days) VIDEO & PHOTOGRAPHY - All rights SHOOT DATE(s) FOR ROLE: Monday October 25th & 26th (potential additional pick up day of October 27th TBD)
Developmentally Challenged Child
This role is in conjunction with the "Mother" role above. Child must show a range of emotions from anger, frustration and sadness. BIPOC preferred for this role. SOC role portraying a range of emotions. RATE: $650/day (2 Days) VIDEO & PHOTOGRAPHY - All rights SHOOT DATE(s) FOR ROLE: Monday October 25th & 26th (potential additional pick up day of October 27th)
New Canadian Youth
New Canadian; A teenager from the Philippines/South East Asia/Pacific Islander. He is constantly at odds with his mother as he struggles to integrate his new life with his Filipino/South East Asian heritage. SOC role portraying a range of emotions. RATE: $650/day (2 Days) VIDEO ONLY - All rights SHOOT DATE(s) FOR ROLE: Monday October 25th & 26th (potential additional pick up day of October 27th)
New Canadian Mother
New Canadian; From the Philippines/South East Asia/Pacific Islander. She left everything behind to start a new life in a new country. She works hard, barely has downtime, and is having trouble relating to her teenage son. SOC role portraying a range of emotions. RATE: $650/day (2 Days) VIDEO ONLY - All rights SHOOT DATE(s) FOR ROLE: Monday October 25th & 26th (potential additional pick up day of October 27th)
Must be white/caucasian as there will be some doubling for hand work. The product is an IV port cap that is sterile - used when a patient has a central line for IV in place. Our nurse handles this task with confidence. Brunette, brown eyes - warm, friendly, outgoing. She loves her job and is VERY good at it. Physically she is a small to medium build - shorter and more compact build than tall/willowy.
Seeking an actor of Mediterranean / Middle Eastern descent - dark hair, brown eyes, olive complexion. Expressive eyes, he will be wearing a mask. Physically he has a smaller / slight build. Facial hair ok - not too tall. We see him in bed, reaction to his nurse as she comes into his room to adjust/cap his I.V, We can see the trust in his eyes.
Hero female- LISA
FEMME CAUCASIENNE, 40 À 50 ANS, POIDS SANTÉ Doit parler Français avec un accent québécois. Charismatique mais très naturelle. Sans être une athlète, elle doit avoir un physique qui reflète la santé. Une femme assise a` table de´pose son cafe´... TEXTE: On se connait pas, on s'est jamais vu et probablement qu'on se croisera jamais. En fait c¸a n'a pas d'importance. Par contre, il y a des gens qui te tiennent a` cœur et c¸a t’inquie`te qu’ils he´sitent encore a` se faire vacciner contre la Covid-19. Peut-e^tre qu’Ils se questionnent aussi pour leurs enfants. On a tous nos raisons, et c’est en prenant le temps d’e´couter nos proches qu’on leur montre qu’on tient a` eux. C’est simple mais c¸a peut faire une diffe´rence et c¸a, ...c¸a c'est important. Signature: Comprendre l’autre, c’est d’abord l’e´couter.
JEUNE HOMME AFRO-CANADIEN, LOOK 16 À 17 ANS Un jeune charismatique avec un ton tout de même sérieux. Un jeune qui se présente bien, qui n’a pas trop l’air “tough”. Physique en santé. Un jeune au sous sol devant sa console de jeu. TEXTES: Allo, on se connait pas, on s'est jamais vu, c’est comme c¸a et c’est ze´ro important. Mais dans ton quartier, les amis avec lesquels tu passes du temps tous les jours, ben il y en a pour qui le vaccin c¸a leur fait peur et qui ne sont pas encore vaccine´s. C'est normal de se poser des questions, e´coute-les, tu vas peut-e^tre pouvoir les rassurer. Tse´’ que c¸a peut faire une diffe´rence et c¸a.... c¸a c'est vraiment important. Signature: Comprendre l’autre, c’est d’abord l’e´couter
Actrice / Acteur voix
Capsule explicative Cerac, d'un ton conservateur avec une touche ludique, dans un univers animé.
Larger-than-life personality, cheerful and joyful. A white beard is an asset, but not necessary. Required for a half-day, and two full days.
Mrs. Claus
All Ethnicities. Feisty and inherently warm. Required for two full days.
All Ethnicities. Required for two half days.
All Ethnicities. Must be comfortable riding a horse.
All Ethnicities. Must be comfortable riding a horse.
Young Teen Host
Sides: Hi I’m ______ with Enriched Academy We’re strong believers in building your Credit Score as young as possible. A common question we hear is “when can I get my first credit card”? To get your own credit card, you need to be what’s called “the age of majority” in the Province or Territory you live in. That’s either 18 or 19 years old in Canada, depending on where you live as shown here….When it comes to getting your first credit card, two good options are; One, having a Parent or Guardian “co-sign”, or two, getting what’s called a “secured credit card”. A “Co-Signer” is someone that puts their credit reputation on the line for you. As an example, if you don’t make payments, it’ll hurt your credit score and the co-signers too. Advantages of having a Co-Signer are that they’ll help you qualify for a card without an income history, and they’ll help you qualify for a higher credit limit. The second option is getting a “secured credit card”. This means you’ll have to make a security deposit to get the card. If you don’t pay the amounts owing it can hurt your credit score, and they’ll take funds from your deposit to cover the amount owed. Once you are old enough to get a credit card without a parent or guardian, you can apply for one at pretty much any bank or credit union in Canada. You can apply in person, by phone, mail or online.