Selected open roles for talent
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Young Johnny
Curious, clever and mischievous. He accidentally scratches his dad's truck and then later discovers an idea.
Teenage Johnny
Hardworking, intelligent and focused. He is working to develop the idea.
Adult Johnny
Hardworking, strong, meticulous. He undergoes a great deal of trial and error and finally succeeds in perfecting the formula.
Working-class, hard worker, cares about his son. The actor will be aged up later for the end of the commercial.
HOMME D’AFFAIRES, ENTREPRENEUR 30-50 ans. Quelqu'un qui est positif, énergique, qui garde son enthousiasme avec un grand sourire éclatant. Avoir le sentiment que ce petit restaurant qu'il dirige est la lumière de sa vie, quelque chose qui est dans sa famille depuis des années.
HOMME 60-70. Gentil, doux, a l'air de quelqu'un qui a fait le tour du monde. Une sorte de force intérieure. Nous devons être en mesure de voir une certaine émotion dans sa lecture.
FEMME D’AFFAIRES 20-40 ans. Vraiment sympathique et positive, sourire éclatant, extravertie, le genre de personne qui éclaire une pièce avec son enthousiasme. Genre professionnel, comme elle travaille dans une banque.
FEMME FAMILIALE 20-40 ans. Orientée vers la famille, chaleureuse, positive, mais aussi un peu épuisée émotionnellement. Malgré cela, elle garde la tête haute et demeure optimiste.
HOMME 30-45 ans. Calme et recueilli, studieux, avec une livraison empathique et sérieuse.
ÉTUDIANTE: FEMME 17-20 ANS, Minorité (non-caucasien), belles mains, aptitudes de mouvements (danse un atout) *On aimerait vous voir avec des écouteurs, musique dans les oreilles et danser un peu. Puis finalement, on aimerait aussi un close up des mains.
ÉTUDIANT: HOMME 20-25 ANS, caucasien avec trait atypique, pas trop grand, aptitudes de mouvements (danse un atout) Qui marche vers la caméra, souriant et textant Debout qui regarde (Comme si tu regardes une affiche cool) Assis, relax - qui étudie, ou sur ordinateur ou tablette.
CHARGÉE DE COURS: FEMME 40-45 ANS, *on aimerait une image de vous qui sourit confiant à la caméra. Chargé de cours ou professionnel de retour aux études
DAD (MALE): Non-speaking, OCP, age 30-45, any ethnicity. Needs to have some experience using outdoor power equipment – trimmers, chain saws and blowers. He’ll be using equipment then interacting with children at the end. This guy is the ultimate dad - on a Saturday you can find him doing it all! IMPORTANT NOTE: "Dad" will be hugged by the "Siblings". PLEASE ONLY SUBMIT IF YOU MEET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1) you have two children in the 6-11 year age range who are also available for the shoot, or, 2) you have been vaccinated (for Corona Virus), or 3) you plan to be vaccinated at least 3 weeks prior to the shoot day, or FOR CONSIDERATION, YOU MUST INCLUDE A NOTE WITH YOUR SUBMISSION, STATING WHICH OF THE ABOVE APPLIES TO YOU. Expect a one day shoot sometime between June 7 - June 14. Expect a 10 hour shoot day. Pay rate: $500 plus 20% agency fee for session fee, + $1500 plus 20% agency fee for the buyout. In the event that a rapid test is still needed at the time of our shoot, client will take care of all testing and will pay talent a $50 convenience fee for testing, accordingly. For talent who travel more than 50 miles to the shoot, a travel stipend of $250 will be offered (no agency fee for travel expense payment). If you are not vaccinated at the time of the shoot, we would require that you NOT utilize public transportation to get to the shoot location.
SIBLINGS, age range 6-11, male or female, any ethnicity. Seeking REAL LIFE siblings. Speaking role (they will mimic the sounds of the power equipment). The Siblings will be playing with toy power tools/lawn equipment. They will imitate, play with our "Dad" and will hug him (COVID Safety protocols will be adhered to.). MUST be comfortable with hugging the "Dad" on camera. (Please note, we are actively seeking real life dad/kid combos, OR a "Dad: who has been vaccinated) IMPORTANT: IF YOU ALSO HAVE A REAL LIFE DAD WHO MEETS THE CRITERIA LISTED FOR THAT ROLE, AND HE IS WILLING AND AVAILABLE TO SHOOT, AS WELL, PLEASE INCLUDE A NOTE WITH YOUR SUBMISSION TO LET US KNOW. Expect a one day shoot sometime between June 7 - June 14. Expect a 6-8 hour shoot day. Pay rate: $500 plus 20% agency fee for session fee, + $1500 plus 20% agency fee for the buyout. In the event that a rapid test is still needed at the time of our shoot, client will take care of all testing and will pay talent a $50 convenience fee for testing, accordingly. For talent who travel more than 50 miles to the shoot, a travel stipend of $250 will be offered (per family, no agency fee for this expense). If you are not vaccinated at the time of the shoot, we would require that you NOT utilize public transportation to get to the shoot location.
MOM (FEMALE): FEATURED EXTRA - Age 30-45, any ethnicity. She will be present watching the children play. Expect a one day shoot sometime between June 7 - June 14. Expect a 3-4 hour shoot day. Pay rate: $500 plus 20% agency fee for session fee. In the event that a rapid test is still needed at the time of our shoot, client will take care of all testing and will pay talent a $50 convenience fee for testing, accordingly.
Especialista de Medicina
All Ethnicities. Male and Female. Warm and approachable attitude, followed by a surprised look as it turns out the guests are more interested in the windows than the actual party. Welcoming guests as they arrive at their house.
Party Guest
All Ethnicities. Male and Female. Upbeat and friendly. Arriving on site for a get together with friends, more interested in the windows than the actual party.
Estudiante Medicina
Estamos buscando una actriz de 22 años aproximadamente para una grabación de un video interno con reacciones a una nueva plataforma de estudio. Hará el papel de Estudiante de Medicina y serán 4 horas de trabajo, de principio a fin, en Madrid. El trabajo es remunerado. Nombre y Apellido: Edad: Medidas: Fotos o Videobook: Envía tus datos y reel a
All ethnicities. A badass drumming instructor. Clean looking. Stern but soft- hearted.