Selected open roles for talent
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Digital Irene (ENG)
Confident and grounded, young professional. Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Digital Irene (FR)
Confident and grounded, young professional. Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Boyfriend (ENG)
Confident and grounded, young professional. Lives with Digital Irene. Rate: $750/day + $750 buy-out
Boyfriend (FR)
Confident and grounded, young professional. Lives with Digital Irene. Rate: $750/day + $750 buy-out
She’s the typical housewife stuck in the 50’s without being over the top. She’s positive, happy and family-oriented. She has a sense of humour and is open to everything. She is slender, bubbly and fun!
The Goodfoodwife is ahead of her time. She’s able to pull off the typically bright outlook of a 1950’s housewife but pairs it with a more modern mindset. She’s informative yet dynamic, open to everything and has a good comedic timing. She is also slender, bubbly and fun!
All Ethnicities. Geeky, easily mad.
All Ethnicities. An overprotective father.
All Ethnicities. Awkward and unlikable.
All Ethnicities. Serious and has no-nonsense approach to business.
Jogging : A jogger
We are looking for an athletic and healthy looking person, who jogs in real life and who is used to run during winter. Any origin.
Alpine Ski : Parent & kid (living at same address)
We are looking for a parent and his/her kid (8-10 yo) who practice alpine skiing, looking athletic and healthy. They'll be asked to be standing on their skis and be at ease with it. Parent needs to be full actra member. Any origin..
Hockey : Two kids (living at same address)
We are looking for 2 teenagers living in the same house, who practice hockey. They need to be at ease with ice skating and hockey playing, looking athletic and healthy. Actors over 16 need to be full actra member. Any origin.
Cross country skiing : 65 yo lady
We are looking for a lady (around 65 y.o.) used to practice cross country skiing, at ease with this sport, looking athletic and healthy. Any origin.
Jogging : A jogger
We are looking for an athletic and healthy looking person, who jogs in real life and who is used to run during winter. Any origin.
Alpine Ski : Parent & kid (living at same address)
We are looking for a parent and his/her kid (8-10 yo) who practice alpine skiing, looking athletic and healthy. They'll be asked to be standing on their skis and be at ease with it. Parent needs to be full actra member. Any origin..
Hockey : Two kids (living at same address)
We are looking for 2 teenagers living in the same house, who practice hockey. They need to be at ease with ice skating and hockey playing, looking athletic and healthy. Actors over 16 need to be full actra member. Any origin.
Cross country skiing : 65 yo lady
We are looking for a lady (around 65 y.o.) used to practice cross country skiing, at ease with this sport, looking athletic and healthy. Any origin.
Person 1 - Mother
This role will represent a mother and a work-from-home-er, juggling work, kids and caring for elderly parents, focused on keeping everyone safe during the pandemic.
Person 2 - Student
This role will represent a late high schooler or college/university student, feeling isolated from peers and having 'Zoom fatigue'.