Selected open roles for talent
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As the sirens of police cars blare in the seconds after the President was shot, SHERIFF BILL DECKER (50’s) directs other officers on the scene to investigate the grassy area where he heard shots coming from. CAUCASIAN ACCENT: DALLAS
JACKIE CERONE (Mid 50’s) was a Captain in the mob and a trusted friend of Tony Accardo, so much so that Accardo was grooming Jackie. Acting as the under boss for a while, Jackie ended up being the outfits boss after Giancana was killed. He was very well spoken, but also very quiet and not somebody that would ever let you know what’s on his mind. But make no mistake, Jackie Cerrone was a killer, you would just never see it coming. CAUCASIAN ACCENT: CHICAGO
This CAB DRIVER (30-50) working in Dallas can’t stop thinking about what happened to the president, picks up an usual fare who happens to be Lee Harvey Oswald. OPEN ETHNICITY ACCENT: DALLAS
Robert H. Jackson (29) was in the eighth car of Kenndy’s motorcade, photographing the Kennedy family and the crowd that had drawn to see him ride through the streets. After the horrific events that unfolded, Bob was more determined than ever to capture the rest of the story. He went prepared with his camera to the Dallas Police Station to capture the alleged assassin on film. He arrived early and carefully measured out his positioning to the door where Oswald would exit. Once the rest of the crowd followed, his view was obstructed by another man. Just after asking the man to move, Oswald exited the Police Station. When Jack Ruby stepped in to take his shot at Oswald, Bob Jackson took his and managed to capture a Pulitzer award winning photo. CAUCASIAN ACCENT: DALLAS
Harold Truly (45) watches an interaction between Lee Harvey Oswald and a policeman and steps in to ask how he can help. He vouches for Oswald’s employment with the Texas Schoolbook Depository they both work for. CAUCASIAN ACCENT: DALLAS
An excited Nellie Connelly (44), rides in the car with her husband Texas Governor John Connally, and sits next to Jacqueline Kennedy and (late) President John F. Kennedy. CAUCASIAN ACCENT: DALLAS
Customer #1
We are looking to cast a Male customer who will be in various skits and sketches. He will be a happy-go-lucky type of character who loves Boustan and everything about their food. He'll be enthusiastic, outgoing and charming.
Customer #2
We are looking to cast a Female customer who will be in various skits and sketches. She will be a comedic character with funny one-liners and good comedic timing. She'll be funny, confident and somewhat sarcastic.
Jordan Suarez
A 21 year-old, headstrong mechanical engineering student that has been forced to live in his car for the past month as a result of his break-up with Elena Farrell. Now that the semester has ended, he returns to their old shared apartment to stay the night and collect the last of his items, looking for empathy from a person he has caused so much hurt. He often over-analyzes every decision he makes, resulting in a sense of bitterness lurking beneath the surface.
Elena Farrell
A 21 year-old art history student that is still reeling from their brutal break-up with Jordan Suarez. Living alone in their old shared apartment, she is forced to confront her guilt about his homelessness when he returns to collect his final things. In this process, she hopes to find closure not only in her relationship, but her whole university experience. She is frivolous with her choices and has a history of being co-dependent, but is a deeply kind, empathetic person.
Police Officer
A old, grizzled police officer with an old school sense of justice and lots of history in the city.
A newly widowed mother who is trying to maintain her relationship with her son suffering from substance abuse. This is not the first time her son has been addicted to substances, but now as the sole parent, her unconditional love and support must be the anchor for what's left of the family.
Had previously suffered from cocaine addiction but after his father passed, he found himself enveloped in the substance again. He isolates himself from his mother because he's disappointed in himself for falling back into bad habits.
Oli is a curious but reserved little boy who has grown up disconnected from his Vietnamese roots and is just learning to navigate the world. He’s hesitant around his grandmother, struggling to understand her through language, generational, and cultural barriers, but gradually opens up and learns to embrace her as family. His journey is one of discovery as he learns how love can be through small moments of connection.
Grandma is a warm, frail woman whose love for her family is expressed through her kind, caring, and nurturing ways. Her acts of love through her crocheting serve as a bridge in attempts to cross the language barrier she faces with her grandson, whom she seeks to connect with despite his reluctance. During her stay, she brings newfound joy, humour, and cultural connection to the family. (Strongly Preferred to speak Vietnamese)
Mom is a warm, practical woman, caught between her Vietnamese roots and the life she’s built in the West. She’s deeply caring and nurturing, but also feels the strain of balancing cultural expectations with the realities of raising her son in a foreign country. Her relationship with Grandma is loving, though sometimes complicated by their generational and cultural gaps. (Strongly preferred to speak Vietnamese)
Dad is a quiet, steady presence in the family, reserved but supportive. He has a pragmatic view of life and maintains a sense of reverence towards his Vietnamese heritage, offers a quiet, guiding strength to his family, and holds deep love and respect for Grandma. (Strongly preferred to speak Vietnamese)
Lance is a early 20s male, who has a lanky appearance, tall but very cowardly in presence. He works at the company Perreni as a programmer. Lance is a follower of his boss and does his every wish regardless of if he agrees with it or not.
Markus is in his mid 30s, male, and the manager of Perreni. He is a bulky and stern looking man. Markus doesn’t know much about technology but sure knows how to whip some workers into shape.
Kate De La Roche
A rebellious heiress determined to prove herself outside her family’s shadow, Kate disguises herself as a flight attendant to earn her wings. Sharp-witted and tenacious, she battles impostor syndrome, sabotage, and a forbidden romance.