Selected open roles for talent
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Subway Coffee Man
Indian - MUST speak Hindi. He is a professional type. We see him riding the morning subway when he spills his coffee down the front of his shirt and tie. Surprised, frustrated and annoyed, he swears in Hindi (bleeped out). He is physically fit
Broken Phone Woman
Filipino - MUST speak Tagalog. She is a professional type, physically fit and active. We see her reacting to dropping and breaking her phone - she curses in Tagalog (will be bleeped out). Great body language and not over-the-top, but frustrated and upset with her given circumstance. **This role is open to unrepresented performers - if you have representation DO NOT SUBMIT YOURSELF, go through your agent. Email a current photo of yourself to the address noted on this breakdown - selfie is ok.
Outdoorsy. An absolute nature lover that finds her centre whenever surrounded by towering trees of thundering ocean waves. She emphasizes fitness in most of her daily routines. This role involves either paddle boarding, kayaking or potentially swimming. Must be physically fit.
Farmer. Salt of the earth sort of man. A family guy that wears his life experience in his eyes with pride. Hard work pays off is his mantra and farm crops are his creed.
Young, health conscious entrepreneur. Very trendy professional who's business management skills are only surpassed by his well managed personal life. He's the boyfriend of Maya.
A go-getter. Energetic, very healthy, and driven. With New York style. Her motivation is impossible to divert from whatever she's pursuing. She's the girlfriend of Quinn.
AA Female
This gal will be 25 - 49 years old and will be African American. SHE MUST BE MISSING AT LEAST ONE TOOTH AND HAVE A FLIPPER OR DENTURE(S) ALL SUGGESTIONS MUST HAVE DENTURES OR PARTIAL DENTURES THIS CAN INCLUDE X 1 TOOTH OR MORE Artists must be comfortable removing the dental fixture / dentures/ partial denture during audition/shoot
Store Customer
South Asian or Middle Eastern.
A young wife and mother, who's husband was just taken away from her in the blink of an eye. We will need to see real emotion from this role; she is in the immediate aftermath of grief, it's just her and their very young child. If the performer does in fact HAVE a baby and would like to have it considered for the role in the commercial, we would love to see her baby on camera after her audition. Looking for age 3 months to 1ish years (i.e. not walking yet).
The wife's mother, who has come to help her daughter through this aftermath. IF there is a real mother/daughter acting "duo", please tell me when you submit! We will consider them together.
"Tim" is a character in his 20s, tall, gangly and slightly awkward. He is the sidekick to another character, "Lance". Tim will be interacting with Lance and performing some light physical comedy, including crouching at a starting line, running around the track and passing a baton to Lance.
Nous sommes à la recherche d’une jeune fille de 6-7 ans avec beaucoup d’énergie et qui est joueuse. Toutes les ethnies sont évidemment acceptés.
Nous sommes ouverts à caster les vrais parents de notre héroïne, Lily. Autrement, il s’agit de casting ouvert aux actrices et acteurs âgées entre 35 et 45 ans. Toutes les ethnies sont bien évidemment acceptés. ***Vrais couples ou vraies familles uniquement, aucun célibataire permis.***
SOC role, must be able to play light soccer.
SOC role, must be able to play light soccer.
Femme - Drum
Une femme qui a environ 30-35 ans et qui joue du drum (de la batterie).
Homme - Breakdance
Un homme 35-40 ans, danseur de breakdance.
A demeanour of excellence pervades his character. Samuel is an established professional with excellent taste in fashion and style along with a great reputation in his field of work.
An aura of professionalism surrounds her. She's worked very hard her whole life and thrived in her industry. Highly educated but not pretentious in the slightest. She has the vitality of life in her that even some women half her age might envy.
East Asian or mixed asian ethnicity. A presence of vitality. Janet is active in many sports clubs and regularly volunteers for her community. A healthy and fulfilled life is her main focus now that her children have left for university.