Selected open roles for talent
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ANY ETHNICITY, OPEN TO MALE, FEMALE, NON BINARY: 5 actors to play this role each with 1 day of filming. Each actor will be required memorize and perform 3-4 scenes. MUST speak in a British (English, Scottish, Welsh, or Irish) accent. Please send self tape reading for the role of "Jamie"
Car Owner
Car Owner
Non-speaking role. Proficiency with car maintenance tasks (example: changing brake fluid) is required. All genders/all ethnicities/Ages 25+ accepted. Please submit the following: - Headshots - Full body shot - Hands and arms - Self-tape popping the hood of a car + adding windshield washer fluid - Self-tape showing hand + handling a wrench
[DANIEL - COMPANY SPOKESPERSON] We are looking for a warm + friendly personality who conveys knowledge and technical prowess, but who also is willing to get their hands dirty. Fun/light sense of humor and ability to bring energy and excitement to more technical/wordy material. 40 to 60 years old, African, Black, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, West Indies/Caribbean, Eastern European, Mixed Ethnicity, white, North African, Hispanic male.
Tom/Stephen (Frères)
CAUCASIENS [TOM / STEPHEN] RÔLES PRINCIPAUX, excellents comédiens. 27 à 40 ans. Ils sont beaux et savent le jouer à leur avantage. On a un peu l'impression qu'ils ont tous les droits. TRÈS IMPORTANT ( la campagne en dépend ) - Ils doivent avoir une ressemblance avec l'un ou l'autre des hommes dans la photo de ce lien Jusqu'à double cachet et résiduels. Web: Cachet simple. MEMBRE UDA appliquent sur ce lien: DOUBLE-CARTES appliquent sur ce lien: 2 FRÈRES en "bulles" appliquent sur ce lien:
CAUCASIENNE [MAMAN] RÔLE MUET, 55 à 70 ans. Attirante. Très aimable. Jeune d'esprit, en santé, très dynamique – elle a une vie très active et amusante. Jusqu'à cachet et demi. Double-Carte: Cachet simple. Web: Cachet simple MEMBRE UDA appliquent sur ce lien: DOUBLE-CARTES appliquent sur ce lien: COUPLE en "bulles" appliquent sur ce lien:
CAUCASIEN [PAPA] RÔLE MUET, 55 à 70 ans. Attirant. Très aimable. Jeune d'esprit, en santé, très dynamique – il a une vie très active et amusante. Jusqu'à cachet et demi. Double-Carte: Cachet simple. Web: Cachet simple MEMBRE UDA appliquent sur ce lien: DOUBLE-CARTES appliquent sur ce lien: COUPLE en "bulles" appliquent sur ce lien:
DIVERSITÉ [FEMME CHEF] RÔLE MUET – 30 à 40 ans. Quelqu'un qui ressemble à une barmaid dans un resto chic (capable, confiante). Elle joue la chef privé qui sert la famille. (Aptitudes avec le couteau serait un atout, mais pas obligatoire.) Cachet simple. MEMBRE UDA appliquent sur ce lien: DOUBLE-CARTES appliquent sur ce lien:
Membres de famille 1
DIVERSITÉ [HOMMES ET FEMMES] RÔLE MUET - 35 à 45 ans. Membres de la famille au souper. Cachet simple. MEMBRE UDA appliquent sur ce lien: DOUBLE-CARTES appliquent sur ce lien: COUPLE en "bulles" appliquent sur ce lien:
Membres de famille 2
DIVERSITÉ [HOMMES ET FEMMES] RÔLE MUET - 20 à 34 ans. Membres de la famille au souper. Cachet simple. MEMBRE UDA appliquent sur ce lien: DOUBLE-CARTES appliquent sur ce lien: COUPLE en "bulles" appliquent sur ce lien:
HIRING THREE WOMEN, PREFERABLY NATIVE FRENCH SPEAKERS (you MUST be fluent in French for this role), 30 to 50 years old, all ethnicities. Our selected talent will need to record the 1-minute script from home for this amazing new health app, discussing success with utilizing a new Keto app. The women will all have a normal/average body weight (we need to believe that they could have been overweight before). Attractive, calm and happy, speaking from their "own experience", telling the story with a conversational and natural delivery. (Must be able to deliver lines off-book and without a teleprompter).
Danica & Danielle
Danica / Danielle is a contact lens wearer now, but also wore glasses for years and has many unconscious habits from wearing glasses. She frequently goes to adjust (find) or remove her glasses only to realize they aren't there. It is that wee moment where she wonders where her glasses have gone and then realizes she's wearing contacts. It is that bit of happiness we are looking for. It is a subtle genuine moment. Danica / Danielle are young urban professionals on the move, they are expressive. Warm, friendly and likable. OPEN ETHNICITY - We are casting for TWO characters - they will not be in the same spot - Different spots.
Strong actor. Young professional type. Likable, warm, friendly, urban, confident. David works from home (who doesn't?) He is still adjusting to life without glasses. Unconsciously going to adjust glasses that are not there....realizing that he has his VERY comfortable contacts in. That moment of 'confusion...where are my glasses ?' is immediately followed by the realization he is wearing his new contacts and they are great! Open Ethnicity
Quirky, fun, down to earth. Strong actor, great comedy chops on the subtle/wry side. Able to inject a little effortless humour into action, no matter how mundane. Very naturalistic performance with lots of personality. Open ethnicity. SOC.
Modern, cool dad. His jokes are good! Dresses comfortably, but with some style! Strong actor, great comedy chops on the subtle/wry side He loves being a dad and enjoys keeping the family safe, without being overbearing. Open ethnicity. SOC. MUST HAVE A VALID DRIVERS LICENSE.
Voice Over Actor
Recherche d'une vrai maman et son enfant (garçon ou fille). Bonne capacité de jeu et réactions. Maman: 30 à 45 ans APPLIQUEZ SEULEMENT PAR:
Caissier / Caissière
Sympathique, bonne capacité de jeu et d’expressions. APPLIQUEZ SEULEMENT PAR: