Selected open roles for talent

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Female - 25 to 45 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Young but in her 25-45. Female - open to all ethnicities. Preferably someone with ethnic descent, maybe hispanic? She’s on the cusp of entering the age of parenthood, with a soft, gentle demeanor. Average height but with a slightly heavier build. She loves deeply and unapologetically, a true mother to be.


Female - 25 to 45 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Maybe slightly older looking than Sam but still within the 25-45 age range. Female - open to all ethnicities. Preferably someone with ethnic descent, but from a different cultural background than Sam. Maybe Rachel has a different hair colour? Maybe eastern European descent? Slightly taller than Sam but maybe with a bit of a more slender/muscular build. She’s handy, knows her way around home repairs and loves a good home reno.


Male - 7 to 12 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Young boy - age 7-12. Male - open to all ethnicities. Maybe caucasian? Has a deep passion for NASA, rockets and space. His hobby is to custom build and fly home made rockets in the park over the weekends. He’s won numerous science awards for his age and dreams to be an astronaut when he grows up. Average height for his age but ideally shorter and smaller scrawnier build - leaning towards the younger side. Brown shaggy hair, gentle demeanor. Shy and keeps to himself - but has big ideas.


Male - 40 to 55 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Age 40-55, male, person of colour. A family man above all else. He has a deep love for his wife, his kids, and his life. He’s living the “canadian dream”. Ideally we’d love to cast someone who embodies these family values and has children of their own, lives a middle class life, and knows the hardships and triumphs of family life. Open to any and all builds/body types. It is worth noting that if we can cast an entire, real family for these next 4 roles that would be our preference.


Female - 40 to 55 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Age 40-55, female, person of colour. Janelle does it all. She’s a working mom, balancing her family life with her full time job, but she can’t imagine life any differently. She’s energetic, caring, and above all else empathetic to the trials and tribulations her kids go through. Open to any and all builds/body types.


Female - 7 to 10 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Age 7-10, female, person of colour. Kiki is still figuring out her place in life. She’s full of curiosity and has a lot to learn. She feels a deep love for her parents, but has a particularly special bond with her father Henry. Kiki needs to have longer hair for the braiding scene to work.


Female - 14 to 16 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Age 14-16, female, person of colour. Michelle epitomizes the teenage experience. She’s at a point in her life where she’s navigating a first relationship, starting to think a bit about college/university, and balancing that with still being a contributing member of her household. She’s honest but has a thick outer skin that takes a lot of trust and care to break through. However, if you become one of the people she lets into her inner circle, she’s nothing but love and support. Open to any and all builds/body types.


Male - 17 to 19 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Age 17-19, male, person of colour. Dom is on the tailend of his youth, rocketing straight toward adulthood at the speed of light. In this spot he’s already entering his first day of university. He’s an intelligent and outgoing personality. He’s always been well liked at school and reasonably good at hiding his true feelings. However, as he’s about to enter his first day at UTSC, he can't control how he’s feeling. His feelings of pride and accomplishment pierce through and we get to see who he really is. Open to any and all builds/body types.

Michelle's Boyfriend

Male - 14 to 16 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Age 14-16, male, any ethnicity. For this role we’re super excited to go for an open casting! The main requirements are that the actor we cast needs to be the same age as Michelle. Otherwise he should be charming and cheery. It would be awesome if the actor playing Michelle even had a boyfriend of her own that she’d be comfortable with for this scene. At the end of the day though, we’re open and flexible with this role. Open to any and all builds/body types.


Male - 65 to 90 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Crown Communities
Due date
Wednesday July 28, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Age 65-90, male, person of colour. Our family’s grandfather is a man with experience. He’s been through more than any of us can imagine and has decades of wisdom behind his sharp gaze. Even greater than his immense knowledge however is his unfaltering love for his grandkids, particularly Kiki. He sees a bit of himself in her. Open to any and all builds/body types.


Male - 25 to 35 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Sarwa Spots - 2021
Due date
Wednesday July 21, 2021
Submissions from
Montréal, Ottawa
Role description

Typical stock trading bro. Speaks in a calm and soothing tone. Think Hannibal Buress in The Eric Andre Show:


Male - 25 to 35 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Sarwa Spots - 2021
Due date
Wednesday July 21, 2021
Submissions from
Montréal, Ottawa
Role description

Typical stock trading bro. Loud and obnoxious. Think Rafi in The League:


Male - 25 to 45 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Sarwa Spots - 2021
Due date
Wednesday July 21, 2021
Submissions from
Montréal, Ottawa
Role description

Shady finance bro. Would love to talk to you about a new and exciting business opportunity. Think Raffi in The League:


Female - 25 to 35 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Sarwa Spots - 2021
Due date
Wednesday July 21, 2021
Submissions from
Montréal, Ottawa
Role description

Bank customer service rep who looks and speaks like a bot. Think Janet from The Good Place:


All - 25 to 35 yrsSOC Non union
Project title
Sarwa Spots - 2021
Due date
Wednesday July 21, 2021
Submissions from
Montréal, Ottawa
Role description

Someone way too excited about trying out their new virtual reality system. Must not be afraid to look foolish. Think Star Wars Kid from the golden era of Youtube:

Francophone FR

Male - 30 to 35 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Casting - Male 30-35yo - TORONTO - FRANCOPHONE FRENCH !!
Due date
Thursday July 22, 2021
Submissions from
Toronto, Montréal, Ottawa
Role description

Frame 1 Au hockey professionnel… Frame 2 … les rondelles sont refroidies avant le match. Frame 3 Plus le caoutchouc est dur, mieux il glisse. Frame 4 C’est pourquoi les pneus d’hiver sont faits d’une gomme de caoutchouc plus tendre. Frame 5 Ils conservent leur adhérence, même à moins de 7 degrés. Frame 6 Renseignez-vous dès aujourd’hui au sujet de votre changement de pneus saisonnier. Frame 7 Au juste prix, grâce à notre Promesse du meilleur prix. Frame 7 Le bon pneu. Au bon prix. C’est ça, notre « Promesse du meilleur prix ». Frame 8 Chaque détail compte

hijo pequeño

Male - 16 to 18 yrsSOC Not designated
Project title
Due date
Wednesday July 21, 2021
Submissions from
Role description

Buscamos un chico que aparente 14 o 15 años, idealmente que no mida más de 1,60-1,65.

Teen Host

Female - 17 to 22 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Enriched Academy
Due date
Wednesday July 21, 2021
Submissions from
Vancouver, Toronto, Montréal
Role description


Female - 70 to 80 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Due date
Wednesday July 21, 2021
Submissions from
Toronto, Ottawa, Sudbury
Role description

Classic italian grandmother. Family driven, loves cooking for her grandsons. She is famous for her amazing Nonna’s sauce. Stubborn as a mule and very ‘old country’.


Female - 28 to 45 yrsPrincipal (PP) Non union
Project title
Project Beauty Product - Revised
Due date
Thursday July 15, 2021
Submissions from
Toronto, Montréal, Ottawa
Role description

All Ethnicities. Charming and calm.