Film School
Clouds Go Away
Non union
Area of media:
Film School
We will be providing catering, crafty, scenes for demo reels. We will also be sending this short to festivals.
June 10, 2023
Shooting starts:
June 29, 2023 
Shooting finishes:
July 1, 2023 
Shooting locations:
Vancouver, BC
Cities for response:
The year is 1974 in a world where depression is illegal, psychiatrist Andrea Hill ends up realizing that her boss’, Dr. Marsen's treatments are actually the problem, so she has to go against him to save her sister, Molly, from him, but just as she’s able to free her, she decides to stay and help the other patients, just as Dr. Marsen reaches her, and takes her inside.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadAndreaFemale 30 - 35 Years old
She is kind and sweet, but a very strange psychiatrist. She’s convinced that she works for a good cause, but that changes when she realizes the dangers of the experiments used and that they want to test it with her sister, Molly. So she decides to act fast and help her sister and the rest of the patients escape.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Supporting LeadMollyFemale 25 - 30 Years old
Molly Hill has a rebellious spirit, but is struggling with depression. After trying to take her own life she ends up in GreyYard where she realizes that they want to experiment with her. After losing hope that she is going to see the outside world again, her sister, Andrea helps her escape.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Supporting LeadDr. MarsenMale 40 - 50 Years old
Charming and gentle at first but obsessive and manipulative, Dr. Marsen has worked for several years in GreyYard leading the program to find a cure for depression. He is obsessive and charming and takes his job very seriously. Willing to sacrifice anyone to succeed.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Large PrincipalHeimlichMale 30 - 40 Years old
Heimlich is a nurse in GreyYard with a past as a patient, he is loyal to Dr. Marsen because he aspires to become like him one day. Even though he knows the atrocities that take place in the experimentation room, his loyalty to him means more than anything else. He is strong and mysterious.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
PrincipalArden Male 30 - 40 Years old
Arden is new to the hospital and eager to learn. He admires Heimlich a lot but doubts a little about what they do at the hospital, he's just afraid to say so. He is friendly and noble, but trusts the wrong people