Union:Non union
Area of media:Commercial
Rates:$7,500. CAD inclusive of wardrobe, shoot x1 day as noted, covid test that production will book and cover
financially, usage as described above. Use is as noted, duration is open to product life and relevance for 3M.
Deadline:Oct 5, 2021
Cities for response:
Toronto, Ottawa
Commercial 1
We open on our Hero Nurse in the locker room getting ready for her shift. She is dressed in scrubs, with maybe a long sleeved t-shirt under the top. She is looking in the mirror getting ready for her shift, which will be busy, but she can handle it. That is what we take from her look...she puts on her mask and off she goes. We see her in another shot entering a patients room, her look is warm, friendly, you know there is a smile under that mask. She puts her patient at ease and while chatting tends to his IV capping off his central line for future use with 3M Curos - a disinfecting I.V port protector. Our patient, while ill is NOT on deaths door and responds well to his 'favorite' nurse.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
SOCNURSEFemale 36 - 46 Years old
Must be white/caucasian as there will be some doubling for hand work. The product is an IV port cap that is sterile - used when a patient has a central line for IV in place. Our nurse handles this task with confidence.
Brunette, brown eyes - warm, friendly, outgoing. She loves her job and is VERY good at it. Physically she is a small to medium build - shorter and more compact build than tall/willowy.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
SOCPATIENTMale 32 - 47 Years old
Seeking an actor of Mediterranean / Middle Eastern descent - dark hair, brown eyes, olive complexion. Expressive eyes, he will be wearing a mask. Physically he has a smaller / slight build. Facial hair ok - not too tall. We see him in bed, reaction to his nurse as she comes into his room to adjust/cap his I.V, We can see the trust in his eyes.