Smart Serve Arrive Alive
Area of media:Commercial
Rates:Half day shooting for all roles. As this is a Charity/PSA, all roles are volunteer with a $125 honorarium + travel

Narrator/voice over role has a $250 honorarium.
Deadline:Aug 27, 2021
Cities for response:
Commercial 1
We are shooting a 30 second PSA for Arrive Alive. The story follows a series of intrepid friend groups as they begin exploring the many exciting restaurants and bars of Ontario in a post-covid world. It’s a light, comedic, cheeky, and most importantly fun spot to remind viewers about the safe practices of drinking out at establishments again after so many months of isolation.

We will be having a one day shoot somewhere in the date range of Sept 2-6th 2021. All locations will be in the Niagara Region (a travel stipend will be included). As this is a charitable PSA, rates are on an honorarium basis. We will be following CPAT guidelines for running a safe set during COVID times, including practicing self distancing, staggering crews when possible and mandatory sanitization. This project is MOS. Because of COVID-19, we are unable to hold in person auditions. All talent will be needed on set for a maximum of 5 hours. Submission deadline is Friday Aug 27th. We will contact the selected actors by Tuesday Aug 31st. Thank you for your interest in this project, we’re looking forward to watching your submissions!
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Winery GoerAll 30 - 40 Years old
30 to 40 years old, all ethnicities male or female. After all these months at home, this group of friends decided that their first big outing together again would be to visit a winery. They consider themselves to be a little highbrow/posh, and have decided to visit a winery that does its tasting with the classic spitting into a bucket.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Winery ServerAll 40 - 70 Years old
40 to 70 years old, all ethnicities male or female. The professional and elegant server at the winery. They are precise and have a high standard for etiquette and procedure. Everything must be done properly if it is to be done at all.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)BoyfriendMale 25 - 35 Years old
25 to 35 years old, all ethnicities male. A young man teeming with excitement and infatuation as he is finally able to treat his girlfriend to a beautiful first date night out again. He has a perfect image in his mind of what he wants this night to look like, unfortunately for him, his girlfriend has other plans.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)GirlfriendFemale 25 - 35 Years old
25 to 35 years old, all ethnicities female. A young woman visiting a bar for the first time in a long time with her quarantine boyfriend. He wants the night to be like it was pulled from a sappy romance film where she just wants to drink the most obscene drink on the menu.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Bar ServerAll 30 - 50 Years old
30 to 50 years old, all ethnicities male or female. A well mannered and good intentioned server at a bar who both simultaneously wants his guests to have a good time but also stay safe with their drinking.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Restaurant FriendsAll 25 - 35 Years old
25 to 35 years old, all ethnicities male or female. A group of friends all catching up at a restaurant somewhere as they reminisce on the craziness of the last year. They’re doing shots, eating toasties, and all in all just having a good time.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Restaurant ServerAll 30 - 50 Years old
30 to 50 years old, all ethnicities male or female. Another well mannered and good intentioned server at a restaurant who both simultaneously wants his guests to have a good time but also stay safe with their drinking.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)NarratorAll 30 - 70 Years old
Voice - 30 to 70 years old, all ethnicities male or female. A theatrical voice, an almost Stephen Fry type. Someone who takes you through a journey as they speak, where the absurdity uttered almost feels sensical due to the extreme confidence of how the words are spoken. We’re really open to all sorts of dictations and directions here! Just important to note that overall, this is a comedic spot rather than a dramatic one.