Spec Commercials
Union:Non union
Area of media:Commercial
Rates:$150 / half-day
Deadline:Aug 23, 2021
Cities for response:
Commercial 1
Straight Talk Wireless
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)LeeMale 25 - 35 Years old
[LEE] Late 20s – Early 30s, male, Asian. Long-time friend to LLOYD. Excited about his new phone, loves having the latest gadgets. Always on the lookout for a good deal. He is our “straight actor”.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)LloydMale 25 - 35 Years old
[LLOYD] Late 20s – Early 30s, male, Caucasian. Think Jack Black meets Zach Galifianakis. Long-time friend to LEE. Clueless about technology. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” kind of guy. He is our “character actor”, without being too over-the-top.
Commercial 2
VTIN Portable Speaker
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)StephanieFemale 30 - 40 Years old
[STEPHANIE] Mid-30s – Late 30s, female, open ethnicity. Has an affinity for romance and reads to scratch that itch. Independent and inquisitive; not easily intimidated. Looking for great reaction shots.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)HusbandMale 30 - 40 Years old
[HUSBAND] Mid-30s – Late 30s, male, Caucasian. Our “character actor”. Self-identified audiophile, fully immerses himself in entertainment. Very accessible emotions. His subtle humour lies in how invested he is in the telenovela, a not-so-guilty pleasure for HUSBAND.