Altus Cycle 11
Union:Non union
Area of media:Commercial
Deadline:May 11, 2021
Cities for response:
Commercial 1
Educational video scenarios teaching empathy, team work and decision making skills.

Each actor will be required memorize and perform 3-4 scenes.
Each scene is one page, one angle with no edits. VERY IMPORTANT TO BE ABLE TO MEMORIZE LINES!

Sides are for audition only, each actor will be assigned a role once casted. SIDES ARE TO BE KEPT PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. PLEASE DO NOT POST ONLINE.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)STUDENTAll 18 - 22 Years old
ANY ETHNICITY, OPEN TO MALE, FEMALE, NON BINARY: 20 actors to play this role each with 1 day of filming.

Please send self tape reading for the role of "Aidan"

Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)YOUNG ADULTAll 22 - 30 Years old
ANY ETHNICITY, OPEN TO MALE, FEMALE, NON BINARY: 20 actors to play this role each with 1 day of filming. Each actor will be required memorize and perform 3-4 scenes.

Please send self tape reading for the role of "Aidan"
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)PROFESSIONALAll 30 - 65 Years old
ANY ETHNICITY, OPEN TO MALE, FEMALE, NON BINARY: 20 actors to play this role each with 1 day of filming. Each actor will be required memorize and perform 3-4 scenes.

Please send self tape reading for the role of "Jamie"