Clothing App
Union:Non union
Area of media:Commercial
Rates:$1000/day + $1500 for 1 year buy-out. "Boyfriend" rate is $750/day + $750 for 1 year buy-out.
Deadline:Mar 17, 2021
Cities for response:
Toronto, Montréal, Ottawa
Commercial 1
People who look friendly, approachable, and are not afraid of being themselves. Seeking both English speakers and French (Quebecois) speakers for all roles. If you are able to speak both languages fluently, please submit twice.

Basic talents’ characteristics:
18-45 y/o, Authentic charm, Happy and confident vibe, Healthy and realistic body built, Unique features (eyes, curly hair, freckles, teeth gap, etc.)
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Decluttering 101 (ENG)Female 25 - 35 Years old
Relatable, down to earth, young professional, lives alone.

Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Decluttering 101 (FR)Female 25 - 35 Years old
Relatable, down to earth, young professional, lives alone.

Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Dress For Yourself (ENG)Female 20 - 25 Years old
Lively and expressive character, could be a student.

Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Dress For Yourself (FR)Female 20 - 25 Years old
Lively and expressive character, could be a student.

Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Real Feel (ENG)Female 25 - 35 Years old
Easy going and bubbly, vlogger.

Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Real Feel (FR)Female 25 - 35 Years old
Easy going and bubbly, vlogger.

Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Digital Irene (ENG)Female 30 - 35 Years old
Confident and grounded, young professional.

Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Digital Irene (FR)Female 30 - 35 Years old
Confident and grounded, young professional.

Rate: $1000/day + $1500 buy-out
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Boyfriend (ENG)Male 25 - 35 Years old
Confident and grounded, young professional. Lives with Digital Irene.

Rate: $750/day + $750 buy-out
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Principal (PP)Boyfriend (FR)Male 25 - 35 Years old
Confident and grounded, young professional. Lives with Digital Irene.

Rate: $750/day + $750 buy-out