Project Habitat
Union:Non union
Area of media:Commercial
Rates:Non Union $300-$700/half day (3 hours)
Deadline:Oct 28, 2020
Cities for response:
Commercial 1
30-60 second video for a non-profit organization that educates and spreads awareness.
**Seeking real bubbled talent (younger couple/ mother and two children)
**Seeking real bubbled talent (younger couple/ mother and two children)
Role type | Role | Gender & Age range |
SOC | Younger Couple | All 20 - 27 Years old |
Description All Ethnicities. $600 flat rate |
Role type | Role | Gender & Age range |
SOC | Mother and Two Children | Female 30 - 40 Years old |
Description All Ethnicities. Children age: 4-9 years old. $700 flat rate |
Role type | Role | Gender & Age range |
SOC | Man | Male 55 - 65 Years old |
Description All Ethnicities. $300 flat rate |