Film School
Conflict of Interest
Not designated
Area of media:
Film School
Jan 28, 2025
Shooting starts:
Feb 14, 2025 
Shooting finishes:
Feb 17, 2025 
Cities for response:
Conflict of Interest is a satire crime drama focusing on Sam Bender, a detective, as he investigates a bombing. As one of the best detectives in the district, he's confident he can solve any case- that is, until, he discovers the sole witness at the scene... his ex-wife, Pamela. This parody-style short follows how quickly Sam's tough-guy persona falters, with plenty of visual gags and funny dialogue along the way.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadSam BenderMale 30 - 40 Years old
Early to mid 30s, male. A Head Detective in the district of North Vancouver. He's a smart guy who rose through the ranks early in his career. His "no-nonsense", deadpan demeaner makes him quite a funny guy- but not on purpose. Sam is a dedicated man, fully devoted to his job. Sometimes too devoted. Despite his cool exterior, he turns into a bumbling fool when faced with his ex-wife.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Supporting LeadAlan AlbertsMale 40 - 50 Years old
40s-50s, male. A well-respected veteran of the police force, Captain Alan Alberts is known as the best of the best. While he can be easily frustrated with Sam's antics, he respects his dedication to the job and is proud to be a mentor to him.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Supporting LeadPamelaFemale 30 - 40 Years old
Early 30s, female. A famous soap opera actress, Pamela is used to living in luxury and having all eyes on her- she craves the spotlight, and all of this crime scene business is interrupting her close up. As Sam's ex wife, she knows exactly what's hiding behind his serious persona, and knows exactly how to push his buttons.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
ExtraCoat Check AttendantAll 18 - 25 Years old
Teens - 20s, non-gender specific. A young, minimum wage worker, just doing their job despite the crime scene unfolding around them.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
EnsembleVarious rolesAll 18 - 50 Years old
Ensemble/background of all ages. This crew means business- collecting and documenting evidence, locking down the crime scene, moving bodies. Features background physical comedy and visual gags. Photographers, police officers, medical examiners, and dead bodies.