New Media
Audio Comedy, musical - JESUS WHO'S YOUR DADDY?
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S1 E1-10
Non union
Area of media:
New Media
Border2Border Entertainment YouTube Channel, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Audible
Non-Union, $312/day including 4% vacation, no agency fee. Includes buyout.
Sept 23, 2024
Self-tape video
Shooting starts:
Nov 12, 2024 Talent will be required for 1-3 days
Shooting finishes:
Nov 29, 2024 Talent will be required for 1-3 days
Shooting locations:
Cities for response:
This is a scripted podcast series for publication to production company's YouTube channel.

Think of it like a modern radio play - these will be a filmed recording sessions of the 10 episode audio series. For publication to company YouTube channel and other audio platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible.

Seeking talent with great comedy chops, improv skills, take direction well, and ideally can sing - pop, soft rock, rap and/or musical theatre - please share what you've got!
Three small town friends discover they make beautiful music together. When the local radio station is threatened by a devilishly handsome mafia prince, the band rallies to save their sole creative outlet from bankruptcy.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Series LeadRebekkahFemale 25 - 45 Years old
In the beginning, Rebekah was a child actress, so we know she’s headed for a rocky adulthood. As a potential Shirley Temple, she had stellar opportunities, like the time Spielberg thought he found his Gertie for E.T. only to be yanked by the production when Rebekah’s mom-ager found out the title wasn’t J.C. and the blockbuster would have nothing to do with the heavenly being she had envisioned.

Just 39, Rebekah is still trying to hitch her dreams to a star and finds comfort in her weekly radio hymn and hum along show, Trinity, which she co-hosts with her best friend since community college, Japheth.

Mission: Not a girl, not yet a woman. To become the bad good-ass woman she’s destined to be by sharing her faith and fresh ideas confidently on her radio show.

Fatal Flaw: Trusting to let her own light shine and cast away the long, dark,overreaching shadow of her conservative Mom-ager.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Series LeadJaphethMale 25 - 45 Years old
Japheth, 38, also an aspiring actor, and despite his age, claims to have turned down Tom Cruise’s role in Risky Business due to a concern of the lust he would inspire by sliding around wood floors in socks and underwear. He’s studied the scene meticulously since and indeed all of Cruise’s work and is happy to provide detailed analysis on anything Cruise-related with minimal prompting. Japheth is a multi-tasking machine, much like his best friend Rebekah.

His passions and projects include divination and nephology (applying meaning to the study of cloud formations), singing and songwriting, modeling (for a sexy Jesus calendar, coffee-cup and greeting card line), and of course, co-hosting the Trinity radio show on JWYD.

Mission: To host a successful radio show without compromising his integrityor self-worth.

Fatal Flaw: Needs to accept his authentic self and sexuality by redefining his perceived faults as assets. Then he can unleash the super-human dormant inside.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Series LeadRonaldMale 20 - 45 Years old
Former agnostic, current pansexual, future radio co-host of Trinity. Ronald,37, is a natural athlete and brings the brawn and some half-baked ideas to the friendship/coworker Trinity trio. What he lacks in comprehension of Christianity, he makes up for in team spirit and a singing voice that would make the Seraphim take notice.

When Ronald starts working at JWYD radio station, he’s unwittingly swindled into funnelling donations and becomes the fall-guy for the charming Carrington, a chameleon with romantic and nefarious designs on him.

Mission: To bring sweet harmony and new ideas to the Trinity radio show,without embarrassing JWYD, his co-hosts or himself.

Fatal Flaw: Imposter Syndrome clings to Ronald but one of his bestattributes is his ability to offer unfiltered, new ideas that are free of bias.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Series LeadEmma-LouFemale 30 - 45 Years old
Emma-Lou inherited JWYD radio station when her parents went missing on a cruise through the Bermuda Triangle. Believing in God’s mysterious ways, she’s embraced anything triangular since in defiance of her loss. These include Samosas (after she was introduced by office intern and gal pal Suwarna), a severe asymmetrical haircut and of course, producing the Trinity radio show.

Since her parents’ demise, the radio station has been a runaway train financially and the thought of going through the stacks and stacks of metal filing cabinets to make sense of where all the money has gone sends her into hysterical hyperventilating fits. The tele-thon fundraisers continue to hitrecord donations so where is all the money going?

Mission: To save the JWYD radio station she inherited from her deceasedparents by making a hit show.

Fatal Flaw: Seeing her parents’ shoes as being impossibly too big for her tofill.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Series RegularCarringtonAll 20 - 40 Years old
Non-binary, career chameleon, fashionista, in charge in every way but title, which by the way is secretary. Carrington is the highest paid and arguably most capable employee at JWYD Radio Station. They were the right-hand person to Emma-Lou’s parents and the only one who can make any sense of the business strategy and trajectory – which is currently on a nose-dive.

Whip smart, calculating and always three steps ahead, Carrington has literally saved the station numerous times with calls to anonymous donors who inject enough cash to survive another quarter.

Mission: To never get anyone coffee. The 80/20 principle, to earn as muchas possible for doing as little as possible.

Fatal Flaw: A big, expensive but soft 24 karat gold heart they can’t help but wearing on their sleeve when times get tough.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Series RegularSuwarnaFemale 25 - 45 Years old
Office intern/volunteer, voice of reason, story segment fact-checker. Suwarna is a romance novel junky, ardent fan of Survivor (she’s watched both seasons religiously) and closeted car karaoke star. Suwarna offered tohelp out at JWYD after her best friend Emma-Lou’s parents’ eerie demise inthe Bermuda Triangle. Though Hindu, she offers sage ‘Christian’ advice toall in need at JWYD.

Mission: To selflessly help Emma-Lou get on her feet and become the She-Boss she’s meant to be. To selfishly get her own programming slot doing a Dear Abby style advice show. She’s already dolling out the wisdom, why not get paid for it?

Fatal Flaw: She’s never read the Bible. But the Vedas, she knows!
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Series RegularRonaldAll 20 - 40 Years old
Non-binary, career chameleon, fashionista, in charge in every way but title, which by the way is secretary. Carrington is the highest paid and arguably most capable employee at JWYD Radio Station. They were the right-hand person to Emma-Lou’s parents and the only one who can make any sense of the business strategy and trajectory – which is currently on a nose-dive.

Whip smart, calculating and always three steps ahead, Carrington has literally saved the station numerous times with calls to anonymous donors who inject enough cash to survive another quarter.

Mission: To never get anyone coffee. The 80/20 principle, to earn as muchas possible for doing as little as possible.

Fatal Flaw: A big, expensive but soft 24 karat gold heart they can’t help but wearing on their sleeve when times get tough.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Guest StarSanford WeinusMale 45 - 75 Years old
Weinus is a weiner. He’s also a lawyer. Just not the pretend one on the billboard across the street from his office, that’s a photo of Micah. That stand-in lawyer was randomly selected by Weinus from photos on a website called LiveJournal. But since ‘Micah’ came to work at Weinus, Weinus andWare, LLC - business has started to boom! More people are tripping, slipping,and falling their way into his office than he can ever recall. Unfortunately, most don’t want to be represented by Weinus. They were hoping for Micah.

So Weinus sent him on a long, long, long hiatus. A sabbatical of sorts which has worked out especially well since Micah isn’t actually on payroll. Weinus’ (in the guise of Micah) newest clients are a rag-tag gaggle of radio jockeys needing entertainment law advice. It’s not Weinus’ (or Micah’s) area of practice but they’ve promised to pay and really, what could go wrong?

Mission: To keep the charade going as long as he possibly can.

Fatal Flaw: Not realizing that he is enough, just him.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Guest StarRino FerrariMale 20 - 50 Years old
A devilishly handsome mafia prince who happens to be a very persuasive money launderer.

Should be able to do a convincing Italian or Italian-Canadian accent.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Large PrincipalRadio DJMale 20 - 65 Years old
A small town 'big star'. Hosts the WWJD Radio talent show at the local fair.

A bit of a schmuck but he's got great hair, a winning smile and can keep the crowd entertained.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Large PrincipalMicahMale 18 - 44 Years old
Micah is a model and influencer though he’d be hard-pressed to tell you exactly what that means or what he does but he has a LOT of friends on LiveJournal, thousands and thousands who read his blog and gaze at the self-shot photos he posts with each journal entry. What he doesn’t do is practice law, however good he may look in a three-piece suit on a billboard advertising his legal services.

The real Micah has no idea his name, faultless face, pretend degree andpedigree are being used to swindle a trio of callow Christians in Greater Napanee. He’s too busy partying, journaling and taking selfies before there was a word for it in nearby Toronto.

Mission: To find someone who truly ‘gets’ him, a soul mate.

Fatal Flaw: Mirror, mirror on the wall.