Short Film
Tabletop Rescue - Casting Non-Union Leads
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Non union
Area of media:
Short Film
Sept 15, 2024
Shooting starts:
Sept 23, 2024 
Shooting finishes:
Sept 23, 2024 
Shooting locations:
Must have own transportation to and from Shelburne, Ontario on the day of the shoot
Cities for response:
In a bustling diner, a young waitress clashes with a tyrannical foster mother when she discovers the woman's abusive treatment of a young boy. Torn between her fear of losing her job and her empathy for the child, Jenny must summon the courage to stand up for what's right, even if it means facing the wrath of a monster and the apathy of a crowd.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadJennyFemale 18 - 26 Years old
Jenny (20s): The Reluctant Heroine. A young waitress trying to make ends meet, Jenny is initially hesitant to get involved in the conflict between Connor and his foster mother. However, her maternal instincts and a painful reminder of her own past trauma ignite a spark of defiance within her. Jenny's transformation from hesitant bystander to fierce protector is the emotional core of the story. Actors should be able to convey both vulnerability and strength.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadSheilaFemale 35 - 48 Years old
Sheila (30-40s): The Abusive Tyrant. A domineering and manipulative foster mother, Sheila masks her cruelty behind a facade of righteous indignation. She believes she's above reproach and entitled to treat Connor as she pleases. Imagine a modern-day Miss Hannigan (Annie) with a touch of Nurse Ratched's cold calculation. Her soul is a bit inspired by Miss Trunchbull (from Matilda).
Sheila's villainy should be chilling but grounded in a twisted sense of entitlement. Actors should avoid caricature and find the human darkness beneath the monster.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadConnorMale 6 - 9 Years old
Connor (6-8): The Vulnerable Child. A shy and timid boy with possible special needs, Connor is trapped in a cycle of abuse. His fear of Sheila is palpable, and his desperate attempts to hide speak volumes about his suffering. Think a young Newt from "Aliens" or Cole Sear from "The Sixth Sense." Connor's performance relies heavily on nonverbal communication. Actors should be able to convey fear, desperation, and ultimately, a glimmer of hope through subtle gestures and expressions.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadJohnMale 35 - 65 Years old
John (35-60s): The Apathetic Manager. Focused on profits and maintaining order, John represents the bystander who turns a blind eye to injustice. He's more concerned about Jenny's adherence to the rules than the well-being of a child in need. Imagine a blend of a younger Mr. Strickland from "Back to the Future" with a dash of cowardice in the face of actual turmoil mixed in. John's apathy masks a deeper fear of confrontation. Actors should hint at the internal conflict between his desire to maintain control and his growing unease with the situation.