Video Game
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Area of media:
Video Game
Actra Session Rates as per FPP- (First Playable Prototype) *use fees not applicable
July 31, 2024
July 24, 2024 By Zoom
Shooting starts:
Aug 19, 2024 
Shooting finishes:
Aug 30, 2024 
Shooting locations:
Montreal, Quebec @ Beyond Capture Performance Studios
Cities for response:
Toronto, Montréal, Ottawa
This is for full performance capture. We are looking for unique and exceptional talent to bring these characters to life, in body and voice.
The following characters represent a broad spectrum of actor traits, ethnic diversity, genders and body types. Please pay close attention to ethnic tones and range of heights described- with best effort to correspond.
We’re currently casting for an adaptation of the acclaimed novel series The Bird That Drinks Tears, by Korean author Lee Yeongdo.
This best-selling series has enchanted millions of fans with its unique fantasy world. With fascinating characters, a carefully constructed plot, and poignant themes, it’s unsurprising they instantly fell in love with the books. Our goal is to create a game where gameplay and story seamlessly blend together, while pushing the boundaries of innovation in the gaming industry. If you would like your actors to be part of this exciting performance capture adventure, check out the roles below and please submit.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadHeroMale 25 - 45 Years old
Character Age: 25
Actor Ethnicity: ANY
Actor Build: ***Very tall, strong, muscular. bare minimum 6 feet, the taller the better
Demeanor: Moves like a fighter. Almost military but more instinctive, animal.
Dynamic range: Weighty movements, but very athletic. Needs to be able to fight.
Keywords: Legendary, Powerful, Hot-blooded, Rough, Exuberant
Character Race: a birdlike humanoid species"
Actor Height: 6"-6"5
Character Height: 250 cm (8Feet)"

Years of winning lethal challenges have built Hero's confidence in his own strength, but beyond this admired might, he feels vulnerable or empty. Overconfident in his physical abilities, Hero struggles with internal doubts and is often manipulated through his ego and image, making it difficult for him to trust others. Though he boasts about his independence, he secretly craves connection. Proud of the powerful legend he has become, Hero dreads the growing weight of responsibility and the moral complexities
of decisions that impact many lives. He fears losing his true self to the role he's played and leaving behind a legacy he might not be proud of.

Language: Casual and straightforward. Neither too sophisticated words nor slang. Can curse when irritated or angry.
Speech pattern: Short and fact-oriented sentences, without hesitation. Regular pacing. Can punctuate his sentences with expressive sounds (snap, sigh, groan).
Tone: Confident (but not condescending), reassuring. Vigorous.
Voice type: Deep, warm, expressive (maybe a bit nasal but not in a funny way).
Voice Age range: Adult (~40)
Emotional range: Emotional, angry, funny, it's our hero, we want all of it
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadCamiyeFemale 21 - 31 Years old
Actor Ethnicity: Asian, mixed asian,
Character Age: 26
Actor Build: Lean
Actor-Character Height: 165 cm \ 5”4
Weight: Lean
Job: Chief of Karabora
Skills: Politician
Keywords: Cold, Responsible, Dedicated, Insecure
Demeanor: Stern, Strict, Noble
Dynamic range: Agile but not necessarily athletic.
Character Race: Human


Strong sense of duty and an acute awareness of the expectations placed upon her. She is deeply concerned with maintaining a favorable image and is highly conscious of how others perceive her. She compensates her timidity and lack of confidence with a cold demeanor and a high chin. Despite her initial apprehensions, she demonstrates resilience and determination in the face of adversity, honing her negotiating skills, emulating her mother's wisdom. However, beneath her composed exterior lies a vulnerability, stemming from her fear of disappointing those who look up to her.


Accent: General American working class
Language: Colloquial (humble background). Can lean towards slang when emotional. Tries to be formal when acting as a leader (can fake education with a knowledge that comes from a few books).
Tone: Neutral to somber. Very measured, her pitch is as low as she can manage, to try and make herself sounds more mature and confident than she is.
Voice type: Able to force a lower pitch than her natural one to sound more like a leader.
Age range: Adult (~30)
Emotional range: From very firm and authoritative, to insecure and sensitive
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadJeramdMale 21 - 35 Years old
Character age: 28
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race: Human
Actor-Character Height: 172 cm\5'7
Weight: Lean
Skills: Herbalist, Healer
Goal: Protect the way of nature and the way of dragons
Keywords: Emo, immature, defensive, whiny
Build: Weak
Demeanor: Discreet, reserved, cautious.
Dynamic range: He is not clumsy, he is used to moving in the forest, but he is physically weak and has a hypersensitivity that can catch him off guard.

Misunderstood and angsty, Jeramd is a sensitive and caring young man, but through his experiences of survival, of being taken, adopted, adored and then rejected he's come to prefer the stability of nature to the whims of the human heart. Jeramd is in search of his own identity, he questions his existence as a tool for other's power through the fear that he inspires.

Accent: General American
Language: Simple, casual language, metaphors inspired by nature.
Speech pattern: Standard English but avoiding modern-sounding expressions. He may have difficulties to finish his sentences, he is prone to emotional fits.
Tone: Emotional, edgy, self-centered.
Voice type: Young, sensitive.
Age range: Adult (~30)
Emotional range: From passionate and reactive, to very sad and hurt, borderline depressing.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadMenanFemale 25 - 45 Years old
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Black
Character Race: Rekkon
Actor Height: 5.8- 6'
Character Height: 260 cm \ 8’6’’
Weight: Heavy
Skills Fighting, building, designing
Motivation/ Goal: Build structures to control the course of water
Keywords: Gruff, intimidating, hard-working, creative
Build: Very tall, strong, heavy.
Demeanor: That of a builder, confident, strong, calm and determined.
Dynamic range: Heavy but very athletic. Needs to be able to fight.

Menan is a formidable figure, gruff and hard-working, her intimidating presence commands respect. Years of adversity have forged her relentless determination, driving her to excel in her craft with unmatched creativity. Despite her stern exterior, she harbors a deep sense of loyalty and commitment to those she cares about. Menan's practical approach to problem-solving and her ability to envision and construct grand structures reflect her innovative mind. Beneath her tough demeanor lies a profound resilience, shaped by her desire to overcome obstacles and protect the vulnerable, making her a mighty ally and a dedicated friend.

Accent: Black American
Language: Plenty of slang but avoid modern. She almost sounds like a pirate.
Speech pattern Direct, factual. Her language like her appearance is rather abrupt but not devoid of a slightly cynical sense of humor.
Tone: Gruff, badass, direct.
Voice type: Deep, singular, almost androgynous, with an accent that is hard to pinpoint.
Age range: Adult (30-40)
Emotional range: Angry, snappy and able to sound ironical or sarcastic. Other times, we want her to sound more emotional, sad and serious
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadOtti Male 45 - 75 Years old
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Asian
Character Age: 98
Character Race: Tokebi
Actor Height: 5'8-6"
Character Height: 198 cm \ 6’5”
Weight: Heavy
Job: “Seduction” School Teacher
Skills: Master artificer
Motivation/ Goal: Bring love and happiness to all
Keywords: Confident, Casanova, Charming
Build: Bulky
Demeanor: Graceful, mannered, yet heavy
Dynamic range: Tokebis are not fast creatures, they have weight to their movement, yet they move with elegance and relative ease. Like a sumo dancing.

Confident, wise, relaxed. Sharp as a whip, he never shies away from a good joke, and no one can believe he is really 98 years old. A Casanova who doesn’t brag about his exploits but has the confidence to love and be loved, with all it implies. Great listener, kind-hearted, humorous.
Accent: General American
Language: Sophisticated (but simple words to be welcoming). No slang or vulgarity.
Speech pattern: Emphasizes important words with repetition and long pauses. Varies pacing to create dramatic tension.
Tone: Playful, cheerful. Always speaks with confidence.
Voice type: Crooner, smooth but strong and warm.
Age range: Mature (~60)
Emotional range: Can sound serious and deep almost philosophical, to a cheeky trickster.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadWungpoNon-binary 25 - 45 Years old
Character Gender: Non-Binary, Gender Fluid
Character Age: 35
Ethnicity: Any
Race: Tokebi
Actor Height: 5'6-5'11
Height: 182 cm \ 5'11
Weight: Heavy
Job: Postmaster
Skills: Beetle Trainer
Motivation/ Goal : To help beetles find their purpose in life
Keywords: Optimistic, bubbly, extroverted, goofy
Build: Bulky
Demeanor: Clumsy, cute, excited
Dynamic range: Tokebis are not fast creatures, they have weight to their movement, yet they move with elegance, but Wungpo is known for his clumsiness, like a cartoony elephant.

Wungpo is characterised by zier love for everything. Zee is a very cheerful, charming and kind character who sees the world in a positive light. Zee is also notable for zier clumsiness, dropping things unintentionally, forgetting to tidy zier few belongings, and walking around with sorghum powder around zier mouth. Like zier favourite beetle Ninnie, Wungpo doesn’t not overthink things. Zier have a very transparent, natural and genuine approach of life that applies to every person zier meet or every problem zier are presented with.

Accent: General American
Language: Overly positive. Zee adds positive adjectives to people and creatures. No vulgarities.
Speech pattern: Zee speaks fast, zier voice full of excitement, zier sentences tend to draw out as zee can't stop zier.
Tone: Playful, cheerful. Always speaks with hopes and enthusiasm.
Voice type: Nonbinary. Slight tokebi accent (pan asian – we want an accent but not one that pinpoints to a specific nationality)
Age range Adult (~35)
Emotional range: Enthusiast, happy and bubbly, to deeply sad and anxious.