Feature Film
Greed & Gore
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Area of media:
Feature Film
Mar 11, 2024
Shooting starts:
Sept 20, 2024 
Shooting finishes:
Oct 20, 2024 
Shooting locations:
Central Frontenac
Cities for response:
Toronto, Montréal, Ottawa
Applications from locations other than Ottawa are welcome.
Greed & Gore is a feature film based on the award winning short of the same name. The short has been an official selection in over 100 festivals such as; ScreamFest LA, Spooky Empire, Days of the Dead, Chicago Horror Film Fest, Blood in the Snow and other notable festivals. It has also been the recipient of over 45 Awards in numerous categories.

Synopsis; Six criminals pick the wrong safe house after a heist goes wrong.

Style:The feature hopes to expand on the themes and successes of the short while combining high tension vibes of early Michael Man (Thief/Heat) with the gore, excitement and creative kills of a Terrifier or Evil Dead film, while sprinkling in moments of humour.

Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadDeltaMale 50 - 60 Years old
Character Breakdown
Delta (Dean) is a former cop with a severe gambling addiction which more often than not clouds his judgment. Years ago, while on the force, he had a call to a rural secluded house with his long time partner (Gordon Daniels). While Daniels saw something supernatural, Delta doesn’t believe it. In the years that followed, Delta’s gambling problems got worse, he took a loan from a criminal organization, one he knew Gordon Daniels was involved in, then fled.

Where we find him in Greed & Gore:
Delta has learned of a relatively unguarded stash of drug bust cash sitting in a secure room in a government building. He informs Sierra, the now head of a criminal family organization, who develops a plan to steal the score. Due to some issues, the heist doesn’t go as planned, and in a panic, Delta takes the crew right back to the secluded house where Gordon Daniels had the supernatural experience.

Role in Heist:
Delta has brought the tip. He’s also the getaway driver.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadOfficer Gordon DanielsMale 50 - 60 Years old
Character Breakdown:
Officer Gordon Daniels is a long time cop in a rural area. Early in his life he made connections with those who rose to power in a local criminal organization. He took payouts and remained loyal to them. While most of his fellow police colleagues regard him as edgy but overall a good cop. He’s corrupt and ruthless as they come.

Relationship to Delta and the house
Officer Gordon Daniels and Delta (Dean) were partners at one time. On a call to a rural secluded house, Daniels witnessed something horrifying that has haunted him to this day.

Where we find him in Greed & Gore:
Daniels has gotten word of a break-in at a government building in the city, and the thieves have fled to this area. He enters the cafe in town only to find his old partner, Delta, flaunting cash around. He quickly learns of Delta’s involvement, notifies his local Criminal connections and helps organize a raid on the house to recover the money.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Character Breakdown
Tango is a happy go lucky character. He serves as comic relief. He has a secret we never fully reveal to the audience, it’s only done through hints, but he’s an actor researching a criminal role for an upcoming film, and he’s gotten himself WAY too deep. During his research, he meets Whiskey (who doesn't know his secret) and agrees to do a small job with him. Tango is surprised as he was really good at running interference for Whiskey. No one got hurt, and Tango got away.

Where we find him in Greed & Gore
Whiskey has approached him with another job. This time, it’s more serious but Tango is up for it. He enjoyed the last time, plus no one got hurt, and he figures this will be the same. Once things go south, he learns that this is not the case.

Role in Heist:
Tango runs interference and talks his way into any room/situation. His skills of improv and acting help him do so.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
LeadRomeoMale 30 - 45 Years old
Character Breakdown
Romeo is a high strung, easy to anger individual. He started out selling drugs on a street corner for a criminal family organization, he developed a slight cocaine habit in the process which doesn’t help his temper. He then rose in the ranks quickly when he started doing personal hits for the head of the organization. While doing so he met the head of the organization’s daughter (Sierra). They quickly had sparks between each other, and when she rose to power she kept him close by. He tends to still do a bit of cocaine when he’s nervous, as well as smokes cigarettes.

Where we find him in Greed & Gore
Romeo is told of Delta’s tip for the score and has protested it from the start. Having been someone who’s seen addicts, he knows one when he sees them, and he can tell Delta is desperate and desperate people make mistakes.

Role in Heist:
Normally Romeo would be the getaway driver, but Delta has taken on that position. Romeo doesn’t like it and helps as best he can.
Role typeRoleGender & Age range
Series LeadSierraFemale 30 - 45 Years old
Character breakdown:
Sierra is the daughter of a prominent mob boss, who’s recently taken control of operations. She is proving her worth, and ruthlessness to any and all competitors by doing the dirty work and jobs on her own.

Where we find her in Greed & Gore:
Sierra has recently been given a tip by Delta about a large relatively unguarded score. She knows Delta to have some kind of law enforcement connection, but keeps that under wraps. She enlists the help of an assassin (and her lover): Romeo, a mid level grunt in her organization: Charlie, an ex specOps soldier: Whiskey, and his new cohort: Tango.

Role in Heist:
Sierra is the leader, she also operates the water cutter which is a device used to break into the safe room.